An excellent week has just gone by....at least in terms of extra curricular activities and not in terms of work!!! Being one of the older students in class (essentially being over 30 is roughly over the hill!!!), it is great to get back into organizing student shows and activities, which was something we did last week at Oxford Said. The idea was to celebrate a cultural night to showcase MBA talents that DON'T get displayed at all..We had some excellent numbers by
Ean and Reba Hernandez, erstwhile members of a professional band, Bollywood group dances, belly dancing, guitar recitals and some mindblowing salsa numbers....I am glad to say that families pitched in too..special thanks to Harpal's daughter Gulnaz for the lovely violin recital she and her teacher put on for us...as well as Shinjini Thakur's rendition of "Dum Maro Dum". We did have a harrowing time setting up everything to work as smoothly as possible but guys (Bobby, Anubhav, Parijat, Dheerin and gang..), you are amazing ..If you are this good in a post grad setting , I can only imagine how good you guys must have been when you were undergrads!!!
Attached are a few links of photoos and videos set up by Ashish Tewari...Enjoy!! Forgot to mention the afterdinner party at ESCAPE, a nightclub here....DJ Dheerin, you rock bigtime!!!
Michelmas Term:
Hilary Cultural Show
In other news this week, we have roughly 4 weeks to go before we hit exams again and it seems to be time to open up those books and dive into Debt/Equity and Activity Based Costing..Highlight of this week would be the Oxford and Cambridge MBA Job Recruitment Fair held at the Judge Business School,Cambridge where we have a number of companies and MBAs from both schools trying to woo and be wooed in turn!!
As regards our Entrpreneurship project, we (Sumit /Shubradeep/ me) need as much help from you guys as we can get..In case you or any of your friends have had a lovely baby enter your lives in the recent past, we would like you to write in to me (
mjatheendran@yahoo.com) and tell me at length about your experiences during pregnancy/delivery, what are the factors you think would have eased your time through the pregnancy, what is the one thing you wished you could do to make this a less troublesome time in terms of doctor's visits, scanning, actual delivery and dealing with hospitals, what are the activities with which you wish you had help in both prenatal and postnatal terms. Please do drop in a line or bullet points if you can because it will really help me and my guys structure our project properly..
Careers presentations have included in the recent past, Citigroup, RolandBerger Strategy Consultants, Booz Allen Hamilton and Bain..Excellent presentations and I am sure that applications have started flowing in.

And oh yes, I totally forgot about the snow that hit Oxford this week...It was enjoyable seeing serious MBA grads reduced to the level of howling kids when hit by snowballs...........
Before I sign off, happy Valentine's day to all of you.. As for me, I am missing my wife and daughter back home and counting days till April when I will take a short break to go back home....
Could not resist uploading this photo..Ignore Hiro trying to act crazy in the background!!!!!
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