Another exhausting week just went by and we are that much closer to exams and Christmas.. First, a word about the weather. It is bloody freezing...and its not even winter yet...There is this thin crust of ice that forms on the cars early morning and it is always enjoyable to see some people getting out wooden slates and scrubbing it off, cursing to themselves...
It has been a good week, Capital Asset Pricing Model, Regression Analysis and Financial Ratios notwithstanding..Our cases are coming along quite well and there is that contented feeling in the air when you actually have tried to stop looking for a distinction and hope to "just pass" all your exams..Life continues to be as busy as ever.Just got our Microeconomics Industry report topic that we need to submit by the end of the month. Topic chosen is Easyjet and the european airline industry..To the newbies out there, this is Britain's version of "Air Deccan" ....Enuff said!!! Highlight of this week, as with every week , was Happy Hour over at Said Business School (the one day in the week when all drinks are priced at 1 pound!!!). Since my last post, I have been informed that it will not be possible to audit the Technology and Innovation Strategy course (its not me..the profs have weird issues) so have sent in an application to audit the Marketing,Culture and Society course..A bit of light reading, what?

Oh yes, a few of us got together outside the MCR (the graduates common room) where they have a grill and cooked us some steak and fries...Not bad at all!!! Hope to do this with a larger crowd and more beers someday!!! In the photos: Saheel, Chris, Brian, Hirotake and Ven. Tomorrow is class photograph day so am sure there are going to more photoos and gaffes that I will have for you next week.....
Toodle oo and pip pip!!!!!